
"Easy and convenient at competitive prices. With the Tracking System, it makes checking the legality process easier"

Rachmad - PT Sang Edukasi Bangsa

"Satisfactory service, fast process and very helpful for those of us who want to open a new business"

Christian - CV Cahaya Riset Teknologi

"Thank you IZIN.co.id, satisfying service, 24 hour active staff"

Yuda Susanto - PT Tanam Uang Indonesia

"Fast, friendly service, fast response"

Angga - CV Andalas Makmur

"Terima kasih IZIN.co.id telah membantu kami dalam mengurus legalitas perusahaan kami. Pelayanannya cepat, rapi dan staffnya komunikatif"

Kinta Erstuputri - PT Gerbang Indonesia Gemilang

"Izin.co.id has been very helpful in establishing our business & providing excellent facilities."

Geoff Whiteley - CV Qiplus

"CV management is not complicated and quite informative. Prices are also competitive."

Wiro - CV Karunia Cipta Persada

"Good luck to all."

Linda - CV Warnatama Mandiri

"Process according to commitment, effective communication and fast response."

Wahyu - PT Ahsana Tauladan Indonesia

"Fast, complete, and very communicative process. VERY GOOD."

Herman - PT Artha Semesta Puana

"Satisfied with the professional permit.co.id service."

DR. Putra - PT Visipro Global Optima

"The service is very satisfying. Good Job."

Erwin Prastyo - PT Sribuan Digital Indonesia

"Quick and informative service."

Lukas - PT Arvenn Global Indonesia