Obtaining a Work Permit in Indonesia – Guidelines and Procedures

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Dealing with a work permit in Indonesia can be pretty daunting, especially if you are unfamiliar with the ins and outs of the procedures. The government of Indonesia has set up rules and standards to make sure that foreign workers are doing their jobs legally and that local workers’ rights are protected.

The approval process for work visas and work permits can take several months and is long and complex, from getting a work visa to applying for a residence permit and contacting the relevant authorities. 

How do I apply for a Work Permit in Indonesia?

You need a sponsor in Indonesia to obtain a work permit. The employer will do most of the work, while your task is to provide all the necessary documents. Applying for a work visa in Indonesia has to meet these following procedures:

  1. RPTKA Application

Your employer must have obtained a RPTKA (Rencana Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Asing), an Expatriate Placement Plan from the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower. It is the Indonesian government’s approval for the employer to hire you. Here are the documents needed for the RPTKA application:

  • RPTKA application form
  • Employer’s letter stating the reason for hiring you and the position you will hold
  • Company documents, including business license, incorporation document, and tax number
  • The company’s organizational structure
  • Wajib Lapor, it’s the company’s annual report detailing the total number of local & international employees.
  • A letter of recommendation from an external institution if the company operates in mining, oil, gas, or transportation.

If you are a stakeholder, a diplomatic or consular officer, or work for the government, your company does not have to submit an RPTKA.

  1. IMTA Application

The employer applies for an Indonesian work permit for you through the Ministry of Manpower. This application is called “Permit to Employ Foreign Workers,” or IMTA (Ijin Mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing). IMTA is the only authority that allows you to work legally in Indonesia. Here are the documents needed:

  • Copies of your passport
  • Two colored photographs of you.
  • Evidence of your education & work experience relevant to your field/ the position you will hold.
  • Your agreement letter states that you accept the job offer from the Indonesian company.
  • Proof of insurance from an insurance company based in Indonesia.
  • If you plan to work in Indonesia for over six months, you’ll need an NPWP (National Social Security policy and Tax identification) number.
  • Proof of payment of DPKK (Dana Pengembangan Keahlian dan Ketrampilan) or the Skill & Development Fund fee ($1,200 per year).
  1. VITAS Application

As a procedure needed to obtain a work permit in Indonesia, the employer must apply for your Limited Work/Temporary Stay Visa, or VITAS (Limited Stay Permit Visa), at the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). 

  1. BKPM Letter of Recommendation

BKPM (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal) or The Investment Coordinating Board issues a Letter of Recommendation to the Indonesian Immigration Department.

  1. VITAS Application by You

You (the applicant) must apply for an Indonesian work visa (aka VITAS) at the nearest Indonesian Embassy or Consulate. You’ll need a photocopy of RPTKA and IMTA.

  1. ITAS Permit

The VITAS is a type of visa that grants you entry into Indonesia. So, once you arrive in Indonesia with a VITAS, the Immigration Department will issue your ITAS, a Temporary Stay Permit that allows you to work and live in Indonesia for up to one year (extendable).

  1. KITAS Application

After the Immigration Department has issued a temporary residence permit, you must go to the Immigration Office and apply for a KITAS.

Note: KITAS is not an Indonesian work visa; it is just a physical card that shows you have a temporary stay permit. You can have a KITAS even if you don’t have permission to work.

  1. Get an STM (Surat Tanda Melapor) or a Police Report Letter from the police department.
  2. Register at the local municipality’s population office to receive an SKPPS or Temporary Resident Registration Certificate.
  3. Go to the Ministry of Manpower and apply for a Foreign Work Permit or IKTA (Izin Kerja Tenaga Asing).

How Long is The Work Permit in Indonesia Valid?

Your Indonesia work visa, or KITAS, is usually valid for three months to one year and can be renewed before it expires. After living in Indonesia for 3 years with a KITAS, you can request for a Permanent Stay Permit called KITAP, which is valid for 5 years at a time, and you can renew it too.

Please note that the above is a partial list of all the required documents to obtain a work permit in Indonesia. Depending on your situation, you may need other documents as well. If you need assistance to obtain a work permit in Indonesia, IZIN.co.id is can always help you. For more information, email us at cs@izin.co.id or via WhatsApp.

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