Single-Entry Tourist VISA in Indonesia

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What’s a Single-Entry Tourist VISA?

Single-Entry Visa is one of the types of visit visa which gives a temporary stay permit for around sixty days upon your arrival, which the duration may be extended by request for 2 times; which makes this Visa will give you an opportunity to stay in Indonesia for the maximum duration of 180 days. 

This Visa category is applicable for any foreigners from all nationalities, however, you’ll need to have a sponsorship from an Indonesian-based company which acts around the travel and tourism business to obtain this Visa, and individual sponsorship isn’t allowed.

Types of the Single-Entry Visas

These are the types of single-entry visas;

  1. b211a (For offshore application and tourism business meetings)
  2. b211b (For Prospective foreign workers or business meetings)
  3. b211c (For Journalists and filmmakers)

Differences Between Single-Entry VISA and VOA (Visa on Arrival)

VOA or Visa on Arrival is also a type of Visa, however, the difference is a VOA Visa iwll be issued upon arrival with a month of stay permit (30 days), right at the immigration counter in the airport, and the duration might be extended for another 30 days. So, if you’re choosing to have a VOA you will have a maximum of 60 days, and you would need to go out of the country before you come back to apply again. Another difference is, unfortunately, unlike Single-Entry Visas which may be applicable to all foreigners, VOA can only be applied by the listed countries. In May 2022, there are 72 countries which may apply for the VOA, including Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Brazil, Bosnia, Brunei, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Netherlands, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and many more. 

Requirements for Single-Entry Visa

When you apply for a Single-Entry Visa, you might consider around 1,5-2 million rupiahs, depending on the purposes, excluding the service fee for the tourism sponsor who will manage your process and act as the sponsor while you are in the country. This extra cost might differ between each company and each service. The process might take around 7 to 14 working days to obtain the Visa.

IZIN Foreign Services

Foreign Services by can help you with your Indonesia tourist visa application, as well as other foreign business needs! Click the link below for further details, we are ready to help you in professional ways.

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