Here are the reasons why you should use Virtual Office in Indonesia!

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What is a Virtual Office?

If you have a plan to expand your business in Indonesia, there are some requirements you must first consider regarding the establishment. Some of these requirements basically need one of the most important identities for a company; an office address. This office address will play a huge role in your corporate identity, from the needs of a mailing address to legality requirements. Finding a proper office may take a lot of effort and time, and in some cases your business doesn’t really need a proper office. 

    This is why a virtual office is a good choice. Basically, a virtual office gives your business a physical address, has call center services and receives mails, and is listed as your official address for regulatory needs; without passing a long and baffling administrative needs to obtain a real office. This kind of office has already become popular with sta rtups and small businesses that don’t really need daily offline office activities.

Is It Legal?

It is reasonable of some of you concerned about the legality of a Virtual Office; is it prohibited and deviating the law? Worry not, we will give you a summary about the regulations regarding the use of virtual offices. 

The legality of a virtual office starts with the ratification of DKI Jakarta’s Regional Regulation No. 1/2014 about Detailed Spatial Planning and Zoning Regulations (or we may call it Zoning Regulation for short). The Zoning Regulation which was signed in February 2014 has its goal to control the development spaces so the developments can be executed effectively, so the quality of the spaces are maintained. Further regulations regarding the usage of Virtual Office are explained further in the Circular Letter of BTSP Head of DKI Jakarta No. 6/2016 about Issuance of Certificate of Domicile and Further Permits for Virtual Office Users.

So, you don’t have to worry about the legality of Virtual Office in Indonesia! The previously mentioned regulations offer a right and legal ways to obtain a Virtual Office in Jakarta. For side note, In relation to the business address, you must also check the category of your business since in Jakarta, there are zones to indicate different types of business areas. Example: a green zone is for business, while a yellow zone is for industrial business. 

What are the advantages of having a Virtual Office?

  • Efficient, effective, and operational cost-friendly since there’s no need to rent an actual office building and prepare office administrative equipment.
  • Enter the market faster. Choosing a virtual office means quicker and  more efficient way to start your business, since obtaining a perfect commercial work space is very time consuming. 
  • Glamorous Business branding with elite central business area addresses.
  • Work from anywhere, but still have office facilities like phone calls and mailing receivers.

    Virtual Office by IZIN Foreign Services

IZIN Foreign Services can help you start your business, from preparing you a Virtual Office address, establishing your business entity, and obtaining your workers’ permits. By using our services, we can help you get your business starts as soon as possible in the most efficient way. Click the link below!

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